Provision of Safe and Clean Water in Pwemphwe
Project Launch: 9-13-19
Chipembere Community Development Organization and Phwemphwe Community will tap water from a perennial water source on top of the mountain in their community. The water will be stored in two constructed tanks with a combined capacity of 15,000 liters. From the tanks, pipes will be reticulated to ten taps strategically placed in the six villages around Phwemphwe communities. 10,967 community members from these six villages will gain access to clean and safe treated water. As part of owning the project, each village has already established a Water Management Committee responsible for mobilizing resources for maintenance of the facilities. This project will contribute to a reduction in waterborne illness in the community. Additionally, it will ease challenges women face in accessing clean and safe drinking water.
Project Update: 10-25-19
The Provision of Safe and Clean Water in Phwemphwe Community project is 90% complete three months after funding. Two water tanks servicing twelve taps in six villages have been completed. Twelve water taps, two more than planned, were installed with eight ready for use while four being finalized. Through this project, a total of 10,967 people have for the first time in their lives gained access to clean and safe water. The organization has established a main water committee to manage the water and ensure sustainability. The project has already been linked with Department of Water Development who will be providing chlorine for treating the water every two weeks. The project will contribute to reduction of water borne diseases which were common in the area.
Final Report: 5-25-20
The community dug 2.5 kilometers of mountainous and rocky land and installed two ground water holding tanks where water is purified before being reticulated to six villages with two taps in each village. This gravity fed water system is supporting 10,967 people with clean and safe water. Thirty community members have been trained to locally maintain and manage the water system for sustainability. Additionally, the organization installed a borehole on the other side of the village to support 1,690 more people. Implementation of the project has led to 65% reduction in water related infections and 75% increase in school attendance by children at Nakasena Junior primary school. Now women travel an average 300 meters to the nearest clean water access point, as opposed to the 2km before this project was implemented. This has freed up tome for women to engage in vegetable production, providing nutrition and income to their households.
“I have been living here since my birth without hope for us and our children to have access to safe and clean water. The coming of Chipembere Community Development Organization staff to discuss our problems here was a dream come true, as we unanimously prioritize access to safe and clean water interventions among many developmental gaps in our community which include lack of health centers etc. Today, we are happy people to have safe and clean water within our reach. Thank you World Connect, and thank you Chipembere Community Development Organization. This investment has changed and will continue impacting our lives for many years to come.” -Martha Bello, 37
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