Provision Of Fonio Processing Services To Gobiya Women Farmers

Year: 2020
Country: Nigeria
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Economic Opportunity
Project Investment: $5,000.00

Project Launch: 2-24-20

A community in Bauchi State is utilizing $5,000 to launch a fonio millet de-husking facility for 600 mostly-women famers. Fonio is widely consumed across West Africa and has high market value. Women in this rural farming community have been processing fonio manually with large sticks or with mortar and pestles, which is a very tedious and long manual process that yields very little de-husked fonio. With the facility, the  women can increase their efficiency and scale up their fonio production from 800 tons to 2,000 tons by 2022. This project will help raise their average daily income from $3 to $15 and will also promote job creation for their community.