GreenPad Concepts

Year: 2019
Country: Nigeria
Project Status: Funded
Impact Sector: Health
Project Investment: $2,997.22

Project Launch: 6-6-19

In Nigeria, especially in many rural communities, lack of access to affordable sanitary pads causes women and girls to use unhygienic materials to manage their cycles which can cause infections. Many girls miss about 4-5 days of school every month. As a result, many never complete their education.

GreenPad Concepts has developed an affordable, highly absorbent, and biodegradable sanitary pad made from banana plant fiber, a plentiful and inexpensive agricultural byproduct in Nigeria. Made by Nigerian women for Nigerian women, GreenPad’s product costs 50% less than currently available commercial pads. While commercial pads take 500-800 years to biodegrade, GreenPads decompose into the environment in only 6 months. The goal is to distribute the product through channels that target school-aged girls so that they remain in school and complete their educations in order to realize their potential.