Fogones Mejorados en La Maguana
Project Launch:
The community of La Maguana is divided into four sectors; Maguana Arriba, Maguana Medio, Maguana Abajo, and Higuerito. All four sectors have similar living conditions with the exception of Maguana Abajo, which is relatively well off economically. This project will impact two of the four sectors, Maguana Arriba and Magiana Medio, which share similarly low levels of economic development, with families depending almost exclusively on small-scale farming/agriculture. Even though 60% of families have gas stoves in La Maguana, many cannot afford to buy gas every month causing them to revert to cooking with traditional wood-burning stoves called fogones, and putting them and their families at higher risk of upper respiratory problems due to the smoke released in the household from these traditional stoves. Installing new cookstoves will improve the quality of health by reducing the amount of smoke released indoors. Environmentally, the rate of deforestation in the community will also decrease since the improved stoves use much less wood. To ensure sustainability of this project and the maintenance of these cookstoves, the project will hold mandatory workshops for beneficiaries on the maintenance and the repairs of their stoves, and will encourage them to spread awareness and knowledge on the health and environmental benefits of this project. The goal of the workshops is for all community members, not just those who will be receiving improved cookstoves as part of this project, to be able to lead healthier lives.
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