Total Projects: 5
Project Spending: $6,560
Despite an extraordinary abundance of natural resources, Guinea’s population endures high poverty and malnutrition rates. Since 2000, the country has experienced adverse socioeconomic conditions. Governance problems, limited economic progress, and the overall deterioration of the economy have undermined living conditions. 74% of the population lives in multidimensional poverty (UNDP, 2012). As neighboring countries (Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Côte d'Ivoire) have been ravaged by internal conflicts, Guinea has been host to hundreds of thousands of refugees. Many areas suffer from chronic food insecurity. The majority of the population relies on subsistence agriculture without any financial safety net and is especially vulnerable to small-scale natural disasters such as floods or late rains (WFP). Guinea is considered one of the poorest countries in Africa. Although its GDP per capita, currently estimated at US$ 532, is slightly above the average for Sub-Saharan Africa (US$ 520), the United Nations Report on Human Development has for several years ranked this country last among some 160 countries. Life expectancy at birth is estimated at 56 years. Roughly 77% of the adult population is considered illiterate. Even though urban poverty is significant, poverty in Guinea is largely a rural phenomenon. Women are doubly disadvantaged because they may only inherit land indirectly through a male and it is a male's responsibility to distribute land between members of his family. Even when women succeed in acquiring land, they often cultivate smaller less fertile areas. (World Bank) From 2013-2016, Guinea, along with Liberia and Sierra Leone, experienced the chaos of the largest outbreak in history of the deadly Ebola virus, which killed thousands and undermined political stability.
Discover Projects in Guinea

Women's Soap Collective

Ebola Awareness: Prevention and Response

Protecting Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women from Ebola

Ebola Awareness Campaign in the Rural Distract of Kaliah